Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A men kills his family and than himself
People are loosing jobs, but it shouldn't mean suicide is the answer. The article said this:
"A Wilmington man fired last week from his job killed his wife, three daughters and two sons before committing suicide in their home Tuesday morning, police said. In a two-page typed suicide letter faxed to a television station, Ervin Antonio Lupoe, 40, said he and his wife decided to kill themselves and their children after both lost their jobs at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in West Los Angeles. The letter, as it was written, said: "So after a horrendous ordeal my wife felt it better to end our lives and why leave our children in someone's else's hands, in addition it seems Kiaser Permanente want's us to kill ourselves and take our family with us."
Lupoe placed calls to the news desk at KABC Channel 7 and the LAPD's 911 center just before shooting himself at the family's home in the 1000 block of North McFarland Avenue, police said. All of the victims were shot in the head, as was Lupoe, police said. Some of the family members were shot more than once.
Lupoe an X-ray technician at the medical center, wrote in his letter that a supervisor rebuffed him when he tried to talk about his job status, suggesting, "You should have blown your brains out."
His wife, Ana Elizabeth Lupoe, also was dismissed sometime earlier from her job as a mammography technician at Kaiser.
At the end of his letter, Lupoe wrote by hand, "Oh Lord my God is there no hope for a widow's son!" Among Mormons and Masons, that statement is considered an urgent call for help.
It was unclear whether Lupoe killed his family before or after the 8:25 a.m. phone calls, but neighbors reported hearing shots at about 5:30p.m. Monday and 7:30a.m. Tuesday.
Coroner's official Ed Winter said the children might have been shot as early as 4 to 5 p.m. Monday.
In one conversation with KABC, Lupoe said he was going to kill his family. But in a call to the LAPD's 911 center, he said he had come home and found his family murdered, Los Angeles Deputy Police Chief Kenneth Garner said.
Officers arriving at the two-story house minutes later detected the scent of freshly fired gunshots and discovered a revolver beside Lupoe's body. His 8-year-old daughter, Brittney, and twin 5-year-old daughters, Jaszmin and Jassely, were dead next to him.
Lupoe's wife and the couple's identical twin 2-year-old boys, Benjamin and Christian, lay dead in a rear upstairs bedroom.
Garner said he had never seen anything like the crime scene in his more than 20 years on the police force.
"It was a grisly scene," he said. "It's horrific."
Jasmin Gomez, 18, who lives in a trailer across the street from the Lupoe home, said blood seeped from the upstairs rooms through the walls of a recent addition and spilled out the family's garage.
Neighbors watched the grisly scene as coroner's officials carried the seven bodies out of the house on gurneys covered in blue sheets.
Inside the home, police found the same faxed suicide letter detailing Lupoe's dispute with his former employer.
"It looks like there may have been grounds for the termination," said Los Angeles police Capt. William Hayes said. "It wasn't that he was laid off as a result of the economic situation."
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa responded to the scene in midafternoon, emphasizing at a news conference that city services are available to residents in desperate situations.
Neighbors, school officials and an attorney who represented the Lupoes in a lawsuit stemming from a traffic accident said they had no clue what was looming Tuesday.
"This was just shocking, very shocking," Long Beach attorney Bob Pierce said. "I met this couple a month ago. I sat down with them and talked with them for two hours and there was not a hint of a problem. I'm stunned."
Pierce said Lupoe left him a message Monday that he received Tuesday morning. Lupoe did not seem upset in his message, but Pierce said the information he relayed "absolutely, positively bears on this story."
He would not elaborate.
The couple's three oldest children were enrolled at Crescent Heights Boulevard Elementary School, several blocks from the Westside medical facility where their parents worked.
Los Angeles Unified School District officials and police said the Lupoes pulled their children from school Jan. 15 and said they were moving to Kansas."
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Women Gave Birth To 8 Babies
This is the second time in history, a women gives birth to octuplets. The first time was in March of 1967 in Mexico City, but all the babies died within 14 hours. In United States first live octuplets were born in Houston in December 1998. They turned 10 in December.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Chocolate Eclairs

1/2 Cup (1 stick) Butter
1 Cup Water
1 Cup Flour
4 Eggs
Place water and butter in a sauce pan, bring to a boil. Add flour and stir to smooth paste. Continue to cook and stir for a minute or two. Place flour mixture in a mixing bowl, Mix and slowly add eggs and mix until incorporated. Mix on second speed until smooth and glossy.
On a cookie sheet put the dough Pipe with pastry bag or scoop. Put in oven on 350 till eclairs are puffed up and and the bottom of them are brownish color. Will take about 10mins.
1 Package Pudding (Vanilla)
2 Cups Milk
2 Butter Packages
1 Cup powder Sugar
1 Teaspoon Rome
First option, fallow the direction on the pudding package on how to make the pudding.
For the second filling you will need the butter softened and beat with a mixer three ingredients together. Fill in the eclairs.
*Either of the fillings will work good.
2 Tablespoons Butter
2 oz Chocolate Chips (4 Tablespoons)
1 Cup Powder Sugar
1 Table Spoon Milk
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
Microwave butter and chocolate chips together till butter is melted, first mix powder sugar, milk and vanilla together than add butter and chocolate together. Spread on the eclairs.
Kids with a Second Language

When the child grows up in a bilingual family they have a lasting cognitive benefits. However, their vocabulary is less in each language, but combined languages they know as much words as a person knowing just one language.
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Pacifier

Baby Story
There are places where mothers could take newborns or children if they don't want them, for free and no questions asked, (fire station, hospital, even a neighbor, but to put a naked new born baby in a cold place it's devastating.
Condo Living

Thursday, January 22, 2009
American Idol 2nd Week

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Scrapbook- Tip

The idea is to recycle, buy stickers, stamps, paper, etc. that you can use more than once not just for one page.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Ball Dress

The gown she picked to wear to the inauguration ball is not something I expected, or thought she would pick. It was a full skirted dress had a strap across her right shoulder, a ruched bodice, fluffy appliques and sparkly beading. There is more to see of her and her choice of outfits!
Historic Inaugruation

Monday, January 19, 2009
My Tip
Extreme Home Edition

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Man vs Wild

Friday, January 16, 2009
American Idol

Another beginning for a search for the next American Idol. Thousands of people tried out, January 14th at Phoenix, Arizona and January 13th at Kansas City. There were different kinds of people some more remembered than others.
The bikini girl is one that Simon will probobly remember, I do agree with the judges, she did sing good. I personally like the story of the last contested from Tuesday's auditions. Scott, who is almost blind and started college at 14, he has a great talent of playing the piano and singing, he could possibly be the next American Idol.
In addition, there is also a new Judge, Kara DioGuardi who pronounces her name "Care-A". She wasted no time jumping into the battle in the show's season's first night.
Next auditions will air on Tuesday the 20th, and Wednesday the 21st.
Mall Cop

This comedy is about a single dad, working as a security officer at a New Jersey mall. He is a serious father who is trying to make money for his family, however; nobody really thinks he is really trying and doesn't take him serious. I found this movie funny, and great for families with kids. Very entertaining.
Starting Kevin James, who is a comedian and actor and played very well in this movie.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Brownie Delight
1 package of brownie mix
2 packages of cream cheese
3 cups powder sugar
1 carton of 16 ounce whipping cream topping
2 cups cold milk
1 package instant chocolate pudding mix
1/2 cup chopped pecans
What To Do:
Bake brownies (as per directions on the box)
In mixing bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar for about two min.
In a separate bowl mix the pudding as directed on the box
After the brownie is ready, spread the cream cheese mix on the brownie, spread the pudding on top of the cream cheese, and whipping cream on top of the pudding, sprinkle the chopped pecans on the whipping cream. Refrigerate till ready to serve.
Kids Haircuts

A hair place I found that has all of the above is Melon Head Children hair care.
If your child is receiving his/her first haircut you take home a picture of the child getting the cut, the first hair that is cut off, and a certificate for the first haircut.
What else I found great about taking kids into a children hair place is that they see they are not alone, there are other kids just like them getting haircuts too. My older son who is two, and doesn't enjoy getting haircuts at all, but when I take him into Melon head he already knows what will happen, he would put his hands on his head and run into one of the cars. After he receives his lollipop everything goes great, one hard thing is to get him out of the place after the cut. My other son who just turned one, there was no pip out of him he was so entertained he didn't even realize he was getting a haircut. I would recommend this place to anyone with kids.
Dessert Peaches

2 eggs
1 1/2 cups of sugar
2 tablespoons of sour cream
1 tablespoon mayo
1 cube of butter or margarine
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of baking soda
4 cups of flour
What you need to do:
Turn your oven on 350
Roll the dough into the same size balls and put on oven sheet,

put in oven till the bottom of the balls get a little dark, should take about 20mins. Carve out the middle of each ball into a separate bowl.
1 pack of butter softened
1 can of boiled concentrated milk
2 cups of the insides that you carved out
2 cups of nuts chopped (any kind)
(NOTE: You can find the concentrated milk in any grocery store in the baking aisle)
What you do:
Mix all the ingredients together and fill in the cookie balls, stick the two cookies together.
Take three bowls put in one red food coloring and mix with a little of water, in the other bowl yellow food coloring and mix with water too. In the third bowl put sugar. Roll the cookie balls in just slightly in the food coloring to make it look like the color of a peach and than roll in the sugar bowl.
(NOTE: Don't put the whole cookie ball into the food coloring water to not make it soggy)
My Diet Experience
After I was done breastfeeding my second child I told myself it's time for a diet, to get get my self a steam back, and for my partner. I started searching through the net and asking around, first I tried the three day diet that one of my friends suggested.
I did loose six pounds from this diet, however, I got to say it wasn't worth it, as like most everyone else on this diet, I gained it back.
Again, I was back to a blank. I than read about the Wu-Yi Tea and ended up ordering it. I told myself I have to stick to it. In addition I added

No white diet, which simply means don't eat anything white, pasta, white bread etc.
I went to the gym or on a walk three days a week for 30mins. I limited the amount of food I ate and the amount of chocolate I had. The tea did not do much magic, it mostly gives you the mood and energy to eat less and to stick to your goal of loosing the pounds. Instead of juice with meals I drank the tea, and throughout the day I drank water, the regular or flavored kind.
I was happy to see the number on the scale go down and I started to fit into my old clothes. After my tea had ended I wanted to see if I the my diet would work with out the tea, and it did From experiencing the tea I don't feel like it was the tea that did the trick it was my mind set to loose achieve my goal.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Waffle Cones with Cream
For Waffles You Will Need:

3 eggs
1 cup of sugar

2 packages of margarine or butter
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
2 cups of flour
For Cream You Will Need:
12oz of whipping cream
1 cup of powder sugar
What To Do For The Dough:
Mix eggs and sugar, in the microwave melt butter(or margarine) and add to the sugar and eggs, mix in the baking powder, vanilla, and flour. When doing the waffles each time you take one off the press roll it into a ice cream cone.
To Make the Cream:
Beat whipping cream for a minute than add the powder sugar. Beat together till the cream is a little stiff (doesn't take long).
Fill the waffle cones with the cream and ready to eat.
(NOTE: * You will need a Pizzelle Press to make the waffles, which you can find at Bed Bath and beyond)
My Story
It turned out that a day before the call he had some friends come to visit Toronto, Ontario where he was living at the time. After the visit the same day he was chating with one of the friends online, who than e-mail him some pictures of different girls and youth people, and one particular picture caught his eye, it happened to be a picture of me. He than asked for my name and phone number.
Not knowing who this guy really is or how he looks like, the conversation went on for hours. Somehow it just felt right. I was confused and excited at the same time, in a day I received mail from him with pictures of him.
Since he was waiting for his Canadian citizenship he wasn't able to cross the border at the time and asked me to come to Toronto. On October 15th, I flew to Toronto, ON Canada.
I walked from the airplane, nerves and anxious. It was a special moment for me and him. We went to visit the Niagara falls, which were gorgeous, first half of the day went by kind of awkward and than came a surprise he asked me to get married, and I said yes.
We were married two months later in December 2005.

I ended up moving to Toronto and have lived here for three years. In a month we found out I was pregnant. In October of 2006 we had our son Timothy and January of 2008 we were blessed with another son Daniel.