Scrapbook is something I have learned to enjoy over the years. I started my first scrapbook when me and my husband just met. I enjoy having fun with the different design and new ideas that every page brings. I found that it's cheaper if you find little things around the house or little pictures that you can use for designing instead of buying stickers and cutouts, etc. The only thing about scrapbook is tit takes time to do and using imagination. The finished product however is worth it. The photos are funner to look at than a regular album.

It's not necessary to purchase a lot of scrap booking supplies to make the photo look good. You just need to you a bit of imagination. Something you can just find around the house. For example: Instead of buying snow stickers or snow cutouts you can just get a cotton ball and rip it and clue it down which I did here, which made it look like puffy white snow and i didn't have to go and buy something special, just used something around the house. Than I just added some snowflake stickers.
The idea is to recycle, buy stickers, stamps, paper, etc. that you can use more than once not just for one page.

Here I bought some stickers of trees used a couple and saved the rest for other pages and designs. Added a half of blue paper for the sky and green paper as the grass cut out from brown paper the fence, included a few bug stickers and framed all the photos.
Most of my supplies, I buy at Micheals Arts & Crafts store or the dollar store, which has many scrapbook supplies. I find that these two stores are cheaper than scrapbook stores.

You could even cut out pictures from cards that just lay around, or scrap paper that you could use for making a frame for a photo. It saves money and still looks good. Just some stickers and and frame for the photo even from construction paper can make a difference on how your photo looks.
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